Alarm Clocks: Noise or Vibration?

For many of us, the day begins with turning off an alarm clock. Getting to where we need to be in a timely manner is important, and for that reason, most of society relies on alarm clocks to wake themselves up in the morning.

If you’re in the market for a new alarm clock, you may be wondering what kind to get. There are hundreds of options when it comes to purchasing an alarm clock, but one key decision that can help you narrow down the selection is determining whether you prefer to be woken up by a noise or by a vibration.

The alarm clock market is huge, and it offers a plethora of products for every lifestyle and personality type. If you’re not sure whether you’d prefer a noise alarm clock or a vibration alarm clock, don’t fret. We’ve compiled all the facts for you. From sound options to benefits and drawbacks, here’s everything you need to know when deciding between noise and vibration alarm clocks.

Noise Alarm Clocks

Almost everyone is familiar with the repetitive beeping of a digital alarm clock, but that isn’t the extent of alarm options when it comes to clocks that make noise.

More traditional analog alarm clocks have a piece of metal that moves back and forth between two top bells to create a ringing noise. These are called twin bell clocks. For those who are afraid of sleeping through an alarm, twin bell clocks are a great option, as they are loud, immediate, and will keep ringing until you turn them off.

Digital alarm clocks provide another route for those looking to purchase a noise alarm clock. Many digital alarm clocks offer an array of sounds that can be set in conjunction with the alarm. These sounds can include beeping, music, and the radio. Furthermore, digital noise alarm clocks often have a snooze button that can come in handy if you’re looking to catch an extra few minutes of sleep in the morning.

When it comes to the major benefits of noise alarm clocks, there are a few. For starters, noise alarms are less likely to be slept through than vibration alarms. Second, noise alarm clocks offer plenty of sound options, and some people enjoy waking to their favorite tune or radio station. Third, many people believe that the sound of your alarm clock can have an emotional effect on your morning. For example, a soothing and meditative alarm could lead to a more calming wakeup.

Vibration Alarm Clocks

For some people, waking up to the sound of a loud noise isn’t ideal, and that’s understandable. For this reason, vibration alarm clocks have become a newer offering in the alarm clock market. Vibrating alarm clocks provide what many would consider to be a more gentle wake-up experience. If you’re not a morning person, this can be hugely attractive.

Vibration alarm clocks come in a variety of forms, from devices that can fit under your pillow to watches you can secure around wrists. The idea behind vibration alarm clocks is that they function by using movement to gently awaken the sleeper, rather than an abrupt and loud sound.

Vibration alarm clocks can be a smart purchase for those who want to wake up without waking their partners or children, or simply for those who prefer a more mellow wakeup routine.

As far as drawbacks go, the one major issue is that vibration alarm clocks can be easier to sleep through than noise alarm clocks. So, if you’re a heavy sleeper, a vibration alarm clock might not be the best choice for you.

Making a Decision

While humans have used various permutations of alarm clocks over time (roosters were often the cue for early risers before digital technology and battery power), in today’s day and age, they are an essential part of everyday living.

In order to make the best purchase, it’s important to spend some time ruminating on what your wakeup routine is like, how you would most ideally face the morning, and if you have a partner or child to take into consideration. Choosing what kind of alarm clock you want is a personal decision, and it’s one that only you can make.

Resources— The Huffington Post, Early Bird, Ezine Articles

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