Steps to Take to Keep Your Skin Safe After Being in the Sun

Nothing beats the first few warm days of the spring season. After a chilly winter, being able to enjoy longer, warmer days full of sunshine feels like a huge relief. However, spending more time in the sun can leave your skin feeling less than perfect. Whether you’re spending the day at a concert, sunbathing on the beach, or working outside in the yard, it’s crucial to properly care for your skin after sun exposure.

How Should I Prep My Skin for Sun Exposure?

Although it is important to take good care of your skin once you are out of the sun, a good way to make that process easier is to take care of it before you even go outside. Spending a few minutes preparing your skin for a day of sun exposure can make a huge difference for your skin’s health and appearance.

Making sure your skin is properly moisturized is a big first step in preparing your skin for sun exposure. Moisturized skin will “bounce back” from exposure to extreme conditions quickly. Giving your skin an extra boost of hydration before a day in the sun will ensure that your skin starts the day fully moisturized. Spending long hours out in the sun with already-dry skin can lead to more damage after the exposure.

Healthline recommends applying sunscreen every time you plan to spend time in the sun. Even if your goal is to achieve a tan, you should still wear a good sunscreen with at least 30SPF to help you achieve this goal while also protecting your skin from overexposure. Repeated sun exposure without any sunscreen protection can lead to dehydrated skin, severe sunburns, or worse—skin cancer. And don’t forget the little ones, too! Be sure to invest in one of the best sunscreens for kids and apply it adequately, even if they won’t be in the sun as long as you plan to be.

How Do I Care for My Skin After Sun Exposure?

Continuing to hydrate your skin after being in the sun is just as important as hydrating before you go outside. One way to do this is to drink plenty of water afterward; enjoy a glass of water to not only cool down after being in the sun, but also to refresh your skin from the inside out. Besides drinking water, you can also choose to take a refreshing, cool shower after sun exposure to rehydrate and cool your body.

In the shower, consider using a gentle skin exfoliator. This will help smooth your skin while removing excess dirt, sweat, and dried skin, leaving you feeling ultra soft and refreshed. You can use an exfoliating tool such as a loofah or an exfoliating scrub made with sugar or salt to achieve these results during your shower.

If you choose to take a shower, remember to moisturize afterward. Using a moisture-rich after-sun lotion can help repair any damage that has been done to your skin, leaving you feeling soothed and moisturized after being in the hot, drying rays of the sun. Applying a great lotion for dry skin directly after a shower will also help lock the water’s moisture into your skin, keeping it feeling hydrated for longer. Even if you skip the shower, remembering to moisturize with a good lotion is vital to refresh your skin.

How Should I Care for My Skin if I Get Burned from Sun Exposure?

Hopefully, if you’re reapplying your sunscreen correctly and monitoring how often you’re in direct sunlight, you will avoid developing a sunburn, but accidents happen. If you find yourself with a painful sunburn, there are ways to care for your skin and find some fast relief.

First, consider taking a cool shower to take some of the “heat” out of your sunburn. The clean, chilly water will help calm down some of the burning sensations while also cleansing your skin after a long day of sun, sweat, and dirt from being outdoors. After the shower, follow up with a good after-sun lotion to restore some moisture to your burned skin. Applying the lotion while your skin is still damp will lock in extra moisture.

To help soothe soreness and burning, consider using aloe vera. Aloe vera is a soothing, gel-like substance found in the fat leaves of aloe vera plants. It’s often included in special after-sun lotions, but you can also buy pure aloe vera gels to apply to sun-damaged skin, as well. Aloe vera creates a cooling sensation on hot, burned skin for fast and temporary relief. Aloe vera is also highly moisturizing for dry skin since it is mostly composed of water.

ResourcesThe Aloe Source, Skin Care, Cosmopolitan

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