Changing Your Menstrual Cup: How Frequently Should You Do It?

When it comes to proper hygiene during menstruation, everyone has their own preferences. Some stick to their trusted pack of tampons, while others feel more comfortable wearing pads.

However, the best menstrual cups have also been gaining ground as an increasing number of women find these to be the most effective option. Not only are menstrual cups more affordable than pads and tampons, but they’re also easy to use and tend to last longer than other widely used menstrual products.

If you decide to switch to a menstrual cup, it’s crucial to ensure that you know how to use it properly. One of the most common concerns that new menstrual cup users have is how often these products need to be emptied or changed. If this is one of the pressing questions on your mind, we have all the answers you need.

How to Tell if Your Menstrual Cup Is Full

Because your menstrual cup doesn't give you any kind of warning when it reaches its full capacity, it can be difficult for new users to determine when it hits this point. Fortunately, there are a couple of simple ways to tell if your menstrual cup is full.

When you first begin using your menstrual cup, wait about three to four hours before you check the level of blood inside it. This will help give you an idea of how long it takes for your cup to fill up completely.

If there’s less blood than you expected after the three- or four-hour mark, make a mental note to wait a little longer next time. If the cup is already full when you check it, be sure to empty it more frequently in the future.

Using Tampons or Pads as Indicators

Another effective strategy is to use your tampons or pads as an indicator of how much blood your menstrual cup can hold. Generally speaking, a menstrual cup is capable of holding two to eight times more blood than a standard tampon and about three times more blood than a typical pad.

Taking these numbers into account, figure out how often you need to change your pad or tampon on your heaviest day and multiply that result by two or three. The number you come up with is an estimate of how often you should empty your menstrual cup.

How Often Should You Empty Your Menstrual Cup?

No two periods are the same, which is why it’s important to listen to your body and clean out your menstrual cup whenever you feel it’s necessary. As a rule of thumb, though, it’s best to empty your cup every six to twelve hours. This number depends largely on your flow, so be sure to plan ahead.

You’ll likely have to empty your menstrual cup after about six or seven hours on your heaviest days. On your lighter days, you might not have to empty it until the twelve-hour mark. There may also be other factors, such as increased physical activity.

As you grow more accustomed to your menstrual cup, you’ll have an easier time gauging how often you need to empty it. Just be sure to rinse it thoroughly with warm water every time you remove it to keep it clean and safe for reuse.

How Often Should You Change Your Menstrual Cup?

To maintain good period hygiene, you should also be diligent about changing your menstrual cup when the time comes. Every menstrual cup brand has different recommendations on how often you should swap it out for a new one.

For example, the DivaCup needs to be replaced at least once a year, while the Lunette cup should be thrown away every two to three years.

Also, keep an eye out for the warning signs that you need to change your menstrual cup. If you notice any discoloration, holes, splitting, or a strong odor, be sure to replace your cup immediately.

Use Your Menstrual Cup Safely

A menstrual cup is an easy and effective alternative to pads, tampons, and other common products. To get the most out of your menstrual cup, be sure to follow these guidelines for safe and efficient use.

Learning how to use your cup properly will ultimately allow you to get the most out of it during every period.

Resources— Cleveland Clinic, Put a Cup in It, PopSugar

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