Double Strollers for Twins: How to Find the Best Stroller for Your Family

Discovering that you’re having twins is an exciting surprise for a new mom. At the same time, it means you have double the amount of work and preparation to do. There are many different factors to consider when you’re planning to welcome a pair of children into your family, from crib arrangements to whether you want to use the best video baby monitor. One of the most useful investments that you can make when you’re expecting twins is a double stroller. This special type of stroller makes it easy for you to keep an eye on both of your twins at the same time. If you’re considering buying the best double stroller, here are some tips that can help you find the right one for your children.

Determine Your Needs

Before you begin shopping for the right double stroller, think about how you intend to use it. If you plan to be particularly active or hope to travel with your children frequently, it’s important to take these factors into consideration during your search. Here are some key aspects of your lifestyle to think about before buying a stroller:

  • Frequency of exercise with children
  • Type of exercise (e.g. jogging)
  • Frequency of travel
  • Size of your car

The types of exercise and travel you’ll be engaging in will play a large role in the process of choosing the ideal double stroller. Additionally, be sure to take the size of your car into account before purchasing a baby carriage. If you have a smaller vehicle, it’s best to look exclusively for strollers that can fit easily into the car. All of these factors can help you narrow down your options and identify the best option for your twins.

Look at Different Models

Once you’ve considered your needs, you can begin to search for different types of double strollers. There are various models available that cater to different needs, so be sure to carefully evaluate your own goals before making a decision. Here are some of the most popular types of double strollers that you can find today.

Double Side-By-Side Stroller

As the name suggests, the purpose of a double side-by-side stroller is to allow your twins to sit right next to each other with an unobstructed view. These strollers may come with various features, such as a canopy or reclining options. A major benefit of side-by-side strollers is that they are easy to maneuver according to your wishes. Unfortunately, pushing these carriages through narrow or crowded areas is not ideal.

Tandem Stroller

In the seating arrangement of a tandem stroller, one child is placed in front of the other. Tandem strollers are typically a convenient option if you plan to travel often. These strollers can easily accommodate infant car seats, allowing you to bring your twins along with you whenever you go out for a drive. Once the trip is over, all you need to do is fold up the stroller and pack it neatly into your trunk without taking up too much space (you will need room for groceries and late-night diaper runs, after all...). Unlike side-by-side strollers, tandem strollers are generally easier to navigate through narrow spaces, making them a more flexible option.

Double Jogger Stroller

This is the stroller for you if you plan to get some exercise while walking with your twins. A double jogger stroller is a three-wheeled stroller that normally has a lockable front wheel for jogging purposes. The lockable feature prevents the wheel from swiveling while you run, which can stop the carriage from tilting over. Many jogger strollers also come with a hand brake and parking brake to let you maintain your pace and secure the stroller in place when you’re finished using it.

Take Convenience Into Account

No matter what your specific needs are when you search for the best double stroller, it’s important to find the product that caters to each of them. Be sure to consider aspects such as size, adaptability, storage options, and extra features like a canopy before you choose a stroller for your twins. By mapping out all of these aspects ahead of time, you can have a much simpler and more convenient experience once you start using your double stroller.

Find the Double Stroller That’s Right for Your Children

Every child is different, and finding the right double stroller is a task that only you can do best. Remember to keep your twins’ needs in mind as well as your own so that you can prioritize them as you track down the ideal stroller for your children.

Resources— Babylist, Runner’s World, BabyGearLab

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