Clean Air At Home: What Are The Health Benefits?

Air is the one factor that's central to our existence that's even more readily available than water. It's also the one thing we need the most which we often reach for without any conscious effort and the fact it's often in abundant supply means its rarely if ever at the forefront of our thoughts, it's importance in our lives, notwithstanding.

However, paying attention to the quality of the air in our surroundings is of paramount importance. Especially since we may not always be able to tell when something's not quite right.

And in today's article, we will be taking a look at some of the benefits of such vigilance as well as a number of important steps we can take to improve the quality of air in our surroundings.

What are the advantages of breathing air low in pollutants?

Breathing in clean air comes with a number of benefits some of which we're aware of and others which are somewhat surprising. Here are a few key advantages of being surrounded by air which contains low levels of pollution:

A healthier brain: Our brain is quite possibly the last organ we'd expect to be affected by air laden with pollen, dust, smog and chemical pollutants. However, studies have shown that inhaling air filled with such impurities can have a detrimental effect on the cognitive abilities of anyone irrespective of their age.

Scientists have actually proven that children who live in conditions of poor air quality don't perform as well as their peers who breathe in cleaner air, academically. They also believe that the negative effects of such pollution worsens with prolonged exposure and with age and may be considered a possible cause of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and even depression.

Keeping the air in your surroundings free of such pollutants will therefore mean a healthier brain which is capable of giving you its best for longer.

Improved cardiovascular health: Our hearts, pretty much like our brains are another part of us which are surprisingly affected by air clogged with soot and chemicals. However, ensuring we breathe in clean air can contribute significantly to our cardiac health. This is due to the fact that taking measures to protect ourselves in this regard will mean a reduction in the number of tiny particles that would make their way into the lungs and trigger a protective mechanism consisting of cells known as macrophages.

These cells happen to be something of a double-edged sword: Although they're meant to do away with tiny invaders, they're also instrumental in the creation of plaque which can cause arterial blockage — a potentially dangerous condition which can lead to a heart attack.

Hence clean air means that our bodies will resort less frequently to this cell-based line of defense resulting in a healthier heart and arteries and a significantly reduced likelihood of cardiac disease.

Healthier Lungs: These are the one set of organs which can be expected to be affected by airborne pollutants and they very often are. Exposure to air filled with a high concentration of pollutants tends to place a great deal of stress on them. This results in their aging prematurely and also in their becoming less efficient during long term exposure. Scientists have also noticed that the development of respiratory diseases such as asthma and emphysema, for example, are connected to this condition.

Young children, pregnant women, and individuals who are affected by the respiratory conditions mentioned above are especially at risk.

Taking measures to live in an environment where effective measures are taken to reduce outdoor air pollution, and endeavoring to maintain clean air in our homes will significantly reduce the risk of these conditions. Doing so will also result in our getting to enjoy healthier lungs capable of functioning at their full capacity and in our enjoying a high quality of health overall.

How to Improve the quality of the air we breathe

Although conditions have generally improved particularly in major cosmopolitan centers, air pollution continues to remain a major concern. So how can we protect ourselves from its effects, in order to enjoy healthier cardiac, respiratory and central nervous systems?

A few simple but effective measures have been listed below:

Avoid outdoor areas close to heavy traffic or industrial activity: The air surrounding such places tends to be laden with pollutants, hence playing with your children, strolling or exercising close by will result in exposure to the harmful effects noted above. Opting for parks, playgrounds and running trails in areas with low levels of pollution will ensure you're able to enjoy your leisure time, keep fit and breathe in safe and clean air.

Pay attention to indoor air pollution: The outdoors are far from being the only place we have to look out for as far as air pollution is concerned. Keeping the air clean in our homes is just as important too. A few effective means of doing so include:

  • Avoiding wood which isn't dry or untreated for fireplaces and outdoor grills, and cleaning all chimneys regularly.
  • Keeping your home airy and ventilated, particularly after using cleaning products.
  • Prohibiting smoking in your home or car particularly if you have young children.

Play a role in preventing air pollution: Knowing we're playing a role in keeping pollution levels low is pretty rewarding and definitely doable. A few simple yet effective measures include using safe, renewable energy as much as possible, opting for a bike ride rather than driving or even purchasing an electric car.

So Why Is It Important to Have Clean Air in your home?

Paying close attention to the air we breathe has never been more important especially since we stand to gain healthier bodies and an improved quality of life by doing so. And in spite of troubling levels of air pollution not to mention an abundance of furniture, products, and materials which can adversely affect air quality in the home, the good news is that we can take important steps to ensure we get to enjoy all those benefits. And best of all the means of doing so are within reach meaning we can start right away, one step at a time.

Resources— National Geographic, World Neurology Online, BBCAiroasis

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