How Americans Are Sleeping

People nowadays turn to all sorts of supplements, drugs, and even high-tech technology to sleep better. Without a shadow of a doubt, no sleep is a painful experience to endure.

Were you aware of the fact that at least one-third of Americans sleep less than six hours a night? That figure is on the rise. According to a report compiled by Smithsonian, only 28.6 percent of 400,000 Americans slept less than six hours, compared to 32.9 percent of U.S Citizens, during 2017.

On average, people go to sleep at around 10:55 pm, then wake up at the latest about 6:38 am. Not enough rest if you ask me.

Then again, those who reported better sleeping patterns, as they supposedly experienced their quota of sleep, said the quality was not as expected. High levels of stress and low quality of life are among the reasons for this.

The National Sleep Foundation stated that adults between the ages of 18 to 64 need to sleep a minimum of 7 hours per night, and a maximum of 9 hours, although adults that are over the age of 65 will do fine with just 7 hours of sleep.

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Poor Health Is the Result of Poor-Quality Sleep

Sadly, many Americans fall short of their recommended dose. This leaves them prone to various short-term deficiencies such as mood swings, inability to concentrate, and memory difficulties. One may fall victim to a road accident or engage in arguments at work or at home due to a lack of sleep.

It will only be a matter of time before sleep deprivation will lead to a weakened immune system that may result in dementia, heart conditions, or diabetes.

The CEO of the National Sleep Foundation, David Cloud, said that Sleep Health Index shows there is a definite need to improve sleep health. It is highly recommended that Americans speak to their doctors about ways to bring about healthier sleep patterns for the sake of their well-being.

The suggested ways to improve the quality of your sleeping experience, include:

  • Refrain from watching television just before going to sleep
  • Not using your smartphone
  • Eat a lighter meal in the evening
  • Ensure the room temperature is comfortable and at an endurable level
  • Dedicate your bed for sleep only and don't make it a place your brain associates with all kinds of activities

Americans Nap in the Day - Do they Need More Sleep?


Studies from the Sleep Health Index revealed that close to 50% of people in the U.S take a nap during the day. These would vary in that roughly 23% engages in a nap every so often, like one to two days, about 17% takes a nap for at least five days of the week, and up to 13% decide to nap for 3 to 4 days per week.

The number of times Americans nap serves as an indication that they do not sleep enough at night.

What Are the Benefits of Getting Enough Sleep?

sleep difficulty

If you get the right amount of sleep, then you are among the lucky few who experiences:

  • Improved health
  • Strong immune system
  • Improved mood
  • Better productivity

On the flip side, poor sleeping habits are linked to low productivity, poor health, and mood disorders.

Why Do Americans Fail to Sleep Long Enough?

There are many, many reasons why most of us neglect the importance of getting enough sleep.

Among the primary reasons for this is due to:

  • Longer commute times
  • Working extended hours
  • Doing repairs at home or paying the bills. All these tasks take place at night while we are supposed to sleep.

Today's economic climate requires us to work into the night or get up way too early to get some work done.

Then, there is the question of shift work that applies to nurses, factory workers, emergency personnel, and police officers. These jobs wreak havoc on our body cycles.

That is not to mention modern entertainment, where we tend to engage in binge-watching a series on Netflix or chatting to a friend in another country and being exposed to the blue lights of our smartphones.

No doubt, such activities interfere with the production of melatonin.

Some of the best advice we can get from tests done on countless mattresses and pillows revolve around discovering the right sleeping style and purchasing a mattress or pillow that compliments your desired sleeping position.

Resources - National Sleep FoundationConsumer Reports

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