Hair Growth Rates: How to Get Thicker, Longer Hair

On average, hair grows slowly but steadily at a rate of half an inch per month. In other words, hair grows to a length of about 6 inches a year. That explains why when it seems like it was just last month when we last visited the hair salon—when it actually was six months ago! Your hair growth mostly depends on genetics, but there are things you can do to help it grow faster.

How can you make your hair grow faster?

To increase the growth rate of hair, try massaging your scalp to stimulate blood flow, and thus promote hair growth. Of course, you need the hair to be there in the first place; it is not a suggested remedy if there is the fluffy turf is absent in the first place.

Which nutrients and vitamins for hair growth help?

It is also recommended to take vitamins and supplements to enhance hair growth. Biotin and vitamin B provides the ideal nutrients for healthy hair growth.

Of course, the supplements you take are of no use if you don't practice one thing: eating healthy. A healthy balanced diet promotes hair growth. Make sure to include protein in your daily diet. Your hair and nails are primarily made up of a protein called keratin.

  • Eggs, cheese, mushrooms, almonds, and cauliflower are all excellent sources of biotin.
  • Fish, meat, eggs, dairy, leafy greens, peas, and beans, contain vitamin B.
  • Some foods are enriched with B vitamins, such as cereals and bread.

the stages of hair growth

Hair grows in three stages, and each strand of hair follows its own timeline. Hair that is generally lacking protein goes into the resting stage faster than hair rich in protein. The three stages are:

  • Anagen: active growth phase of hair that lasts 2-8 years
  • Catagen: transition phase where hair stops growing, lasts 4-6 weeks
  • Telogen: resting phase where hair falls out, lasts 2-3 months

How to promote hair growth through haircare

Caring for your hair is very important. Avoid shampooing your hair every day. Excessive cleaning depletes the natural oils on the scalp that will naturally condition your hair. When washing your hair with shampoo, make sure that you rinse thoroughly with water to remove all shampoo before using any conditioner. It is recommended to use cold water for a thorough rinse. Cold water has a therapeutic effect of closing and tightening hair follicles to avoid excessive hair loss.

Next tip, minimize hair exposure to excessive heat and unnecessary excessive coloration of your natural hair. Such unhealthy practices will cause damage to the hair over time. Be sure to space out the time between each hair coloring session. In other words, do not abuse your hair with the frequent bombardment of the hair follicles with regular use of color dyes. Research has found that dye cuts off the oxygen supply to your hair, thinning it out. If you must dye, try substituting ammonia-free hair dye for bleach. After coloring your hair, it is highly recommended to use color-safe shampoo to minimize damage. You should also minimize the use of blowdrying by letting your hair air dry when possible.

To increase hair growth, practice brushing your hair carefully. Preferably, use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair gently. Most people comb their hair from root to tip--this is a big no-no! Work the comb through the ends of your hair and gradually move your way up to the scalp. Brushing in the wrong direction (or too hard) will cause your hair to be more tangled. It also results in a tremendous unnecessary force exerted upon the hair follicles, causing hair loss by pulling out your hair inadvertently.

Besides brushing your hair wrongly, wearing hairbands improperly and tying very tight ponytails may also cause undue physical stress, resulting in breakage of the hair strands. Avoid using rubber hair bands if possible.

The good news for the short-haired is that shorter hair length typically results in faster hair growth since there is less physical stress on the hair follicles. Keeping your hair trimmed periodically helps prevent your hair from split ends, which tend to break off easily.

the best ways to get your hair to grow faster

A healthy diet and lifestyle work significantly in promoting healthy hair growth. Genetics aside, whether our hair grows faster or not depends on how we maintain our crowning glory.

Resources— WikiHow, Healthline

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