Use these tips to keep your acne under control

Anyone dealing with acne knows the struggle of trying to treat it. Sometimes, it can seem that no matter what you do, those awful little bumps refuse to budge. Many people don’t realize that the key to treating acne is actively working to prevent it from occurring in the first place. With a good skincare routine and a few preventative measures, you can prevent new acne from forming in the future while actively treating existing pimples.

Why Am I Experiencing Acne?

Acne forms due to a variety of factors—hormonal, environmental, and genetic factors play roles in how people develop acne. Based on these factors, people may experience acne that presents itself as anything from small blackheads to larger, more painful cystic bumps. Lots of people experience a variety of pimple types rather than just one, leading to a lot of stress and confusion about how to handle them all at once.

No matter what type of pimple you’re experiencing, all acne physically forms the same way. The pores on your skin can become physically blocked by natural oils, dirt, and other debris, often behind tiny hair follicles. Because the oil, debris, and bacteria become plugged inside the pore, swelling can occur. This causes the visible presence of a pimple. Blackheads are also pimples, but because they aren’t totally enclosed by a thin layer of skin, they are exposed to air and turn black through a process called oxidation.

How Can I Stop New Pimples from Forming?

One of the key ways to stop new pimples from forming is to develop a skincare routine that works best for your skin type. The key to implementing any effective skincare routine is consistency. Clearer skin may not be immediately noticeable, and this is totally normal. Introducing new products to your skin is a process, and your body will need time to adjust to your new routine before you see noticeable results.

First, you will need to determine your overall skin type before selecting products to use. Typically, people fall under these main skin types:

Dry: Rough, flaky, or peeling patches of skin are presentOily: Greasy, shiny spots are present; may also have larger poresCombination: Patches of both dry and oily skin are presentSensitive: Skin is easily irritated by products or outside factors; may experience redness, itching, or burning sensations easilyNormal: Skin is balanced and not sensitive

After determining your skin type, you will need to select acne products that are designed to prevent acne for your skin type. Sometimes, when people select products that aren’t intended for their skin type, they may experience ineffectiveness or, worse, irritation. No matter what skin type you have, all skincare routines have the same basic steps within them.

The first step in a skincare routine is cleaning the skin. This means you will need to select a cleanser that works for your skin type. Cleansers can be as simple as using your regular soap or body wash while taking a shower—you don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of extra money on a fancy cleansing product. Simply taking time to gently cleanse the skin goes a long way in preventing acne from forming. Specific types of cleansers are made for certain skin types, but it is easy to find budget-friendly ones that can cleanse skin effectively.

The second step in a good skincare routine is to moisturize the skin. This may seem counterproductive to anyone with the oily skin type, but it is a crucial step for everyone’s skincare routine. Applying a moisturizer after cleansing the skin can help boost it with the nutrients it needs and keep it balanced. If you are suffering from oily skin, oil-free and lightweight moisturizers can be used.

The third step in everyone’s skincare routine should be applying sunscreen. Sometimes, people forget to use sunscreen before heading outdoors, and this can be harmful to your skin’s overall health. Full, unprotected exposure to the sun can irritate already-sensitive skin, leading to more breakouts. It is also a great way to prevent skin cancer from forming, as many folks develop skin cancer every year without realizing it’s there. If you are a routine makeup wearer, you can even select foundations that already include sunscreen in their formulas.

How Often Should I Implement My Skincare Routine?

Usually, once per day is sufficient for getting the skin properly cleansed and moisturized. However, there are certain times when you should cleanse your skin more than once per day to prevent any acne from forming.

For example, after swimming or exercising, it is best to cleanse your face again to remove any excess sweat and dirt from your face before it clogs your pores.

Once you are finished with outdoor activities, it is also best to cleanse your face to remove excess sunscreen. While sunscreen protects the face from harmful UV rays, the formulas can be oily and thick, leading to acne forming if left on for too long.

Makeup wearers should also cleanse their face after removing makeup. Makeup removal products do a great job of clearing away makeup clinging to the skin, but a good cleanser can work deeper to remove hidden traces of makeup products lingering in pores.

Resources — Medical News Today, WebMD

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