Oily skin isn't necessarily a bad thing. Here's why

The one thing that all skin does is protect our bodies. We can cut it, bruise it, slather lotion, paint eyelids, pluck eyebrows, shave cheeks and chins, and our skin still heals, grows, and protects us. And, while the skin continues to do its job, the different types of skin we all genetically come by can send us into confusion on what is bad and what is “normal.”

Anyone who has oily skin knows the pain of always feeling as if they need to wipe away the moisture, cover it up with a special foundation, or powder it away, but is oily skin actually bad?

After researching the topic, it turns out that there are benefits to having oily skin that many people may not know about.

Oily Skin is Not Unhealthy Skin

Your skin goes through quite a bit of work to protect you. As it grows, changes, and evolves with our ever-changing bodies, natural oils are produced for extra protection to keep moisture, dirt, and other environmental hazards out of your skin. If your skin is shinier than you wish it would be, try to remind yourself that your skin is working hard to keep you healthy and happy.

Oily Skin Can Protect You from Sun Damage

The extra layer of natural oils your skin is producing acts as a special layer of protection from the sun. While sun damage can never be guaranteed not to harm any of you, the fact of the matter is, those with oily skin are more resistant to the damage. While it is still important to wear sunscreen, remember that your oily skin is doing a more proficient job than those with drier skin due to the extra layer your body generates.

Oily Skin is Adds an Extra Layer of Sebum

Our sebaceous glands produce sebum. Sebum is a fatty secretion from our sebaceous glands that is plentiful in vitamin E and antioxidants. Because oily skin releases more sebum it means that your skin is extra protected, extra hydrated, and extra healthy.

Oily Skin Inflames Less and Gives Your Skin a Healthy Glow

With oil comes antioxidants. Yes, even in the skin. Oily skin has more antioxidants in it due to rich sebum in natural oils that are created when skin behaves like skin.

Because the sebum in your skin contains vitamin E, the extra oils allow your face and body to inflame less. If you can find out how to take care of your oily skin in a healthy way, your sebum and vitamin E will also give you a great, healthy glow.

Oily Skin Ages Slower than Other Skin

While no one should fight to age, and instead embrace it, there are a few benefits of having oily skin when it comes to the damage it takes. Oily skin tends to be thicker than other types of skin and because of this, it helps protect you even more from the environmental, personal, and harmful attacks that skin can go through in a lifetime. This information means that your skin will age slower than others as it doesn’t take on the same amount of damage inflicted as others do.

Oily Skin Helps You Stay Hydrated Longer

Due to your thicker skin and the layer of sebum that comes with oily skin, you will stay hydrated longer than those who do not have the same skin type. Even when you work out, sweat, and interact more. It may go without saying that you must still drink tons of water to stay healthy, the fact of the matter is that you will be able to stay hydrated longer.

Oily skin is not a bad thing. In fact, if you are taking the right precautions, cleaning your face regularly with the best cleansers for your skin type, you have a lot of good things going for you!

Resources — Bustle, Quora, Share Care


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