Landscaping Tips: Easy Ways to Beautify Your Yard

First impressions last forever.

And, our yard is our first impression to others when we invite anyone over. It is also probably why every one of us strives to have the best yard in the area. Whether you want to impress anyone or not, a green, blooming yard has to be there on your house maintenance list. What's the good news? Modern landscaping tools like weed eaters now make it easier to have a beautiful yard without putting in so much effort.

Investing proper thought in the landscape design of your yard — and in the tools you use to take care of it — can leave your neighbors green with envy. Landscaping requires proper planning and maintenance. We have listed some of the best landscaping tips that will transform your garden from a dull, routine yard to a flourishing green patch with a bit of color — just as you'd always dreamed of.

How to Construct and maintain an Attractive Pathway

Beautiful pathways can add appeal to your lawn like no other. Still, many people tend to ignore it. You and your guests literally have to walk on this path. Try to make it as beautiful and inviting as you can. Keep the sides and between pavers unobstructed by edging with a weed eater. You can install designer solar lights, plant small flowers and shrubs, use gravel or colorful rocks — there is just so much that you can do for your pathway! Also, these can reduce traffic on your grass as guests will be tempted to walk on the pathways instead.

Plan Your Yard to Include Year-round Plants and Flowers

You already know we have four seasons – summer, spring, fall, and winter. Now, different plants and flowers thrive during different seasons.

In order to have a yard that everybody envies you have to have color all year round. Try to plant trees, grass, and flowers keeping in mind their optimal growing season. For the summer and spring season, white sage, coral bells along with dahlias and coneflowers can give your yard that boost of color that can make it stand out.

For the fall and winter season, try to opt for the evergreen variety like camellias, witch hazel or the hellebore. This will make your yard always have color even in the dead of the winter.

How to Maintain Your Yard By Pruning and Trimming

An untidy lawn is definitely not what you need. A well maintained and manicured yard is very important to maintain a neat and tidy look. Use a hedge trimmer for your foliage and finish with the pruning scissors. Try to do this every few months to give a clean look to your yard. Don't overdo trimming or pruning though.

Also, try to keep your grass on the longer side. Shorter grass can more prone to weeds and require more care and effort in the long run. Set your lawnmower to cut the grass blades high. The rule of the thumb is to not cut more than one-third of the blade.

How to Keep the Weeds At Bay

Weed your flower beds by using appropriate weed killers. Take care to not let harsh weed killers get in contact with your desirable plants.

You can even use pre-emergent weed killers to stop the weeds before they can germinate. This will prevent them to have a root-hold in the soil. Once in awhile try to take out broadleaf weeds by hand. Remember, weeds should be pulled out before they develop a root system in the yard.

When to Replant and Reseed

Sometimes due to traffic and overuse, bald patches may appear in your yard. These patches are very unappealing and immediately catch the eye. Keeping this in mind, sow seeds and plant trees and grass in these areas as soon as you can. Also, remove any dead plants and flowers.

Why to Remove that Thatch and Aerate Your Yard

Thatch is a layer of dead or dying roots, stems, and other foliage near the soil surface area. This blocks air and water passage. As a result, the plants are not able to absorb nutrients through their roots which can make them dull and eventually, dead. You can use a rake or a dethatcher to remove this dead layer of foliage.

The same goes for aerating the yard. Over time soil can become compact and as such require air and water passageways to be created. Machine aerators and aerator sandals work best for this purpose. By dethatching and aerating, you‘ll have a healthier and greener looking yard, without any doubt.

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