What you need to know about whether it's safe to switch baby formula brands

Many parents who have a newborn or a baby that is still on a milk diet become extra concerned about their child’s feeding habits, and with good reason. Young children have more vulnerable immune systems, as well as quickly developing bodies that require plenty of nutrients for proper growth.

For parents who are using the best baby formulas instead of breast milk, you may be curious if it is safe to switch baby formula brands. While it’s always good to be cautious when dealing with a newborn or baby’s diet, it’s also important to do your research and determine what is and isn’t safe for your child.

Here is everything you need to know about switching baby formula brands and how your child might react to the change in diet.

How Safe Is It to Change Baby Formula Brands?

Many parents worry about changing baby formula brands because they think it might affect their child’s stools or lead to fussiness. However, because baby formula brands all have the same basic ingredients, it’s completely safe to switch your child’s baby formula if you want to. As a matter of fact, you can even mix different baby formula brands if you choose to. What’s most important in choosing a baby formula brand (or combination) is how responsive your child is to the formula.

If you choose to mix different brands of baby formula, always be sure that the different brands have the same basic ingredients and essential nutrients. Additionally, you want to follow standard mixing instructions to ensure a proper mix.

Will Switching Formula’s Irritate a Child’s Stomach?

Despite many rumors swirling around online, switching baby formulas will not hurt your child’s stomach. Babies produce lots of gas, so if you notice your child is particularly gassy or burping a lot, it’s not necessarily a sign that the formula is uncomfortable on their digestive system.

Additionally, it’s not necessarily a problem if your child’s stools change color when switching formulas. While you do want to be aware of stool firmness, as babies can become constipated, many stool changes from switching formulas are not harmful to the baby.

Reasons for Switching Baby Formulas

You may be wondering why parents would want to switch baby formulas in the first place. One popular reason that parents experiment with different baby formula brands is to monitor if their child has any physical reactions to a particular brand of formula. Trying out different formula brands with your child can help you determine food intolerances (helpful information when you start to introduce solids), as well digestion habits, such as burping, spit up, or excessive gas.

While it’s safe to switch between baby formula brands, it’s best to stick with one brand for at least two weeks to determine what your child’s reaction to the formula is.

Steps for Switching a Baby’s Formula

If you’re wanting to switch your baby’s formula type, the following are some simple steps for ensuring the process goes smoothly.

Firstly, always check with your doctor before switching your child’s formula. If your doctor gives you the green light to experiment with different baby formulas, it will help provide peace of mind when transitioning to new formula brands. Additionally, your pediatrician will be able to tell you if there are any particular signs you should be on the lookout for when changing your baby’s diet, such as rashes, vomiting, or stool changes.

Once you have your doctor’s approval, choose a new formula type to transition to that uses the same type of protein as the formula you are currently using. In doing this, it will be easiest on your child’s digestive system. Of course, if you’re wanting to switch formula types because you think your baby might be suffering from an intolerance, you can experiment with other protein types. You also want to read the new formula’s label to see if it has a similar ingredient list and nutrient percentages to your old formula type and take note of any major differences between the two formula types.

If you are switching to a new baby formula that has the same protein base as your previous baby formula, you can make the switch immediately. If you’re transitioning to a new formula that has a different protein base, you’ll want to transition gradually by mixing the new formula with the old one and changing the ratios over time.

Finally, always be sure to monitor your baby when switching formulas. If you notice any major changes in your child’s demeanor or physical habits, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor.

Resources— VeryWellFamily, WikiHow

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