Testosterone Supplements: What Are the Side Effects?

Today, more than ever, people are turning to supplements to fill dietary gaps, to build lean muscle, to boost fertility, and for overall wellness. But when it comes to the best testosterone supplements, many men are turning to them to turn back the clock on some natural symptoms of aging. In order to understand why many men are turning to testosterone supplements, it’s important to understand the importance of testosterone in the male body.

What Does Testosterone Do For Men?

According to the National Institute of Health, testosterone is a sex hormone with several critical roles in the body. In men it regulates the sex drive, fat distribution, strength, and muscle mass. Testosterone levels in men in general have declined in the last two decades. While some attribute this to negative lifestyle changes, some experts feel there might be more behind the downward trend. There are several working theories about this decline in levels, and what may have caused it, but in the meantime, many men are turning to the best testosterone supplements in an effort to improve libido, muscle mass, and more.

Testosterone levels in men typically peak around age 30. After that, they begin a slow decline, with levels descending approximately one percent per year.

For men under age 30, low testosterone may be caused by accident or injury to the testicles, chemotherapy, or radiation treatments for cancer, high blood levels of iron, certain chronic illnesses, Klinefelter’s Syndrome (men with an extra X chromosome), or as a side effect of medications. In these cases, some symptoms of low testosterone may be relieved by proper dosage of the best testosterone supplements.

What are the Side Effects Associated with Testosterone Supplements?

Testosterone replacement treatments for those diagnosed with low testosterone are available by prescription only. However, many of the best testosterone supplements contain boosters that are formulated with herbs and other ingredients to help a man’s body increase its own testosterone production.

Many of the best testosterone treatments contain DHEA, a substance naturally produced by the human body. DHEA has been shown to increase testosterone production.

Some side effects to be alert for if you are taking a testosterone boosting supplement containing DHEA are upset stomach, hair loss, and elevated blood pressure levels.

L-Arginine is a natural amino acid that is often added to the best testosterone supplements. It is a vasodilator used to widen blood vessels. This serves to improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction and may improve athletic performance. While L-Arginine is safe to use as directed, it should not be taken in doses higher than 30g. Stop using supplements with L-Arginine if you experience excessive bleeding, or low blood sugar levels. It has also been associated with higher than normal potassium levels and low blood pressure.

HMB or hydroxymethyl butyrate is another common component of the best testosterone supplements. HMB is produced naturally by the body but production may decrease with age. HMB may increase muscle mass when combined with weight training. HMB has not been associated with any negative side effects.

Creatine is also commonly found in testosterone boosting supplements. According to the Mayo Clinic, creatine is naturally produced in the liver and kidneys. Supplementing with creatine has been shown to increase muscle mass and strength. Creatine should only be used as directed. Over-use of creatine has been associated with bloating, dehydration, muscle cramps, and kidney stones, and in rare cases it may cause compartment syndrome—dangerous pressure levels inside muscle tissue.

Is it Safe to Use The Best Testosterone Supplements?

Today’s testosterone boosting supplements are safe when used as directed. Those using testosterone supplements should not double up on doses or take more than directed.

If you suspect that you may be suffering from symptoms of low testosterone, it’s important to speak to your doctor and have your levels tested before discussing treatment options or beginning a supplement.

There are some risks associated with testosterone levels that are raised beyond the optimal level, so ask you doctor if these supplements are right for you. Overly high levels of testosterone have been associated with mood swings, acne, oily skin, sleep apnea, and decreased testicle size. However, these instances typically occur due to overuse of prescription testosterone replacements, rather than over-the-counter boosters.

Resources— MayoClinic, MedicalNewsToday, healthlineWebMD

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