Make Your Hair Grow Faster: How-To Guide

Have you ever felt envious looking at somebody who has a head full of gorgeous, voluminous, and long hair? Well, you might be surprised to learn that most of the time it’s a great hair care routine that gives that result.

Now, we don’t want to give you false hopes that you get Rapunzel-like hair in just a couple of months by following an elaborate hair growth routine. You see, our hair only grows a quarter-inch to maybe a half an inch per month. Even then, you need to be really careful when you plan to throw your hair.

In the case of long hair, you have to make sure that the split ends are minimal to get that Pantene commercial-worthy hair.

Read on as we list a few helpful tips to help you make your hair grow faster.

Tips for Hair Growth #1: Get Your Hair Trimmed Frequently

While this may sound ironic, but in order to grow your hair longer, you have to keep cutting the ends. There is also a common hair growth myth that cutting your hair to promote faster growth. Let me tell you, it’s just that — a myth.

The advantage of getting frequent trims is that you won’t have split ends which will make your hair healthier. In the long run, you will get stronger and longer hair strands that look shiny and smooth. You have an even look a lot more voluminous.

Tips for Hair Growth #2: Start Taking Vitamins for Hair Growth

There are various hair growth vitamins that you can take to increase the length of your hair. The most famous hair growth vitamins include biotin, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, and vitamin D3. Each one of these has different advantages for the hair.

For example, also known as vitamin B7, biotin can help to build the keratin protein in our hair. If you have lower levels of biotin, you will suffer from hair loss and dermatitis. On the other hand, omega-3 fatty acids can help to lubricate the hair while vitamin D3 helps to curb the symptoms related to hair loss.

Tips for Hair Growth #3: Adopt A Balanced Diet that can Improve Hair Quality

A balanced diet should consist of leafy vegetables, chicken, lean fish, beans, and other sources of nutrition. With a combination of all these products, your hair will be able to get the nutrition that it deserves.

With the help of a healthy diet, the overall sustenance of the hair strands increases making it look glossy and uniform. This is actually quite an important step because even if you do somehow manage to get longer hair, it won’t do you any favors until it looks healthy. Trust me, you don’t want a long mass of dullness.

Tips for Hair Growth #4: Do Not Shampoo on a Daily Basis

While everybody loves a clean scalp, there is a difference between shampooing and over-shampooing. If you wash your hair too much, you’ll end up stripping the hair strands of its natural oils making them look dry and brittle. Your hair needs the natural oils to hydrate themselves and repair any damage done to it.

The best hair cleaning routine is to shampoo only two to three times a week. Also, don’t forget to follow it up with a conditioner.

Tips for Hair Growth #5: Try to Massage Your Scalp as Often as You Can

When you are massaging your scalp, you are also stimulating the circulation of blood in the area. In addition to this, massage helps the essential oils to penetrate better into the hair strands strengthening the roots and nourishing the hair.

While you can massage your hair using just your fingertips, it wouldn’t hurt to use coconut oil for extra goodness. Being a natural hair conditioner, coconut oil contains essential nutrients and vitamins that can be great for your hair texture. Just take a tablespoon of coconut oil and gently rub it into your scalp in circular motions.

Tips for Hair Growth #6: Try to Keep Your Stress Levels in Check

One of the major causes of hair loss is stress. Whether the factors may be physiological or psychological, high levels of stress will always have a negative impact on your hair as well as your skin. Practicing yoga, sleeping for at least eight hours, meditating, listening to music, and doing stress-relieving exercises can be great to keep your stress levels in check.

Resources— Good HousekeepingStylecraze

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