Snow Blowers: Can You Use Them For Wet Snow?

Snow blowers are handy to have, especially if you live in an area that sees lots of snow. Shoveling can be hours of work after a heavy snowfall, making snow blowers the clear and easy choice for those who want to quickly clear pathways, driveways, and other outdoor areas for their own personal use.

However, just because a snow blower will help clear the way after a fresh and powdery snowfall, that doesn’t mean that they can be used under every snow-related circumstance. Many people wonder what kind of snow it’s safe to use a snow blower on, and it’s a smart question to know the answer to. Here is everything you need to know about snow blowing, including whether or not snow blowers work on wet snow.

How Wet and Heavy Snow Can Clog a Snow Blower

The answer to whether or not you can use a snow blower on wet snow is a fairly simple one: no. The reason for this is because wet snow, as well as particularly heavy snow, can clog a snow blower. Not only is this a nuisance, but it can also lead to the breakdown of your snow blowing machine if not dealt with in a proper manner.

Along with avoiding wet and heavy snow, it’s important to note that snow blowers are not made for use on excessive snow build up. If your snow is below six inches, then a snow blower should work just fine; however, if you’ve got more snow than six inches, you’ll need to invest in one of the higher-end snow blowers that makes use of a more powerful engine.

What Kind of Snow Can You Use a Snow Blower On?

The ideal snow for a snow blower is light and fluffy, which means that you should be snow blowing within twenty-four hours of snowfall so that the snow doesn’t have time to harden. Once temperatures rise and drop, causing the snow to melt and then harden, using a snow blower will be nearly impossible.

How to choose the best Snow Blower Size

While wet snow is a no-go for nearly all snow blowers, there is some variance in snow blower ability depending on the size and model that you purchase.

Generally speaking, the larger the snow blower, the more area it will be able to cover when clearing your yard or driveway. However, don’t think that bigger is always better. If you’re working with a small area, then a large snow blower will be a major nuisance to maneuver. While smaller in stature, small snow blowers do a fine job at clearing out pathways in the snow and can be a huge help for small to medium home lots.

Can you use a Snow Blower During a Big Storm?

Once you’ve figured out what size snow blower is best for you and the first snowfall has arrived, you’ll want to get to work right away. What many people don’t realize is that you can actually start snow blowing before the snow has stopped coming down. This can be a particularly useful technique if you’re facing a large storm.

As stated earlier, most snow blowers shouldn’t be used on more than six inches of snow, so if you’re expecting more than this, snow blow during the snowfall to make use of your snow blower before the snow gets too heavy.

Why to Throw Your Snow Far to Avoid Having to Use a Snow Blower all over again

You always want to be sure that your snow blower is throwing snow far enough that you won’t have to snow blow the same area for a second time. Ideally, your snow blower is throwing snow above your snowbanks, clearing a wide enough driveway for people or vehicles to pass through.

If you find that your snow blower isn’t throwing snow far enough, it may be a problem with the machine. Luckily, the solution is a relatively easy one. Lubricating the moving parts of your snow blower may be all that the machine needs to get a further, more powerful throw.

Most snow blowers have a removable bolt that will allow you to check the oil level of the machine. Always start here and see what you find out before calling in a pricey professional to repair your machine.

Resources— Huff Post, Family Handy Man, Consumer Reports

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