Do You Need Anti-Aging Serums and Creams?

When I walk down the skincare aisles in drugstores and high-end beauty stores, oftentimes an aggressive army of anti-aging products on display would catch my gaze. These products are typically dazzling in luxurious glass bottles—in shining silver, gold, or red—battling for my attention. I tell myself, "Perhaps I won't need this stuff till I'm like 40. I'm still in my early 20s. I have too many skincare products at home already. I guess if I really wanted to try them out, I could use my Mom's, maybe? Do I really need this? All I need is the regular moisturizer that I'm currently using, it suffices for now, right?"

Well, little did I know, the answer is a not-so-obvious: "Nope."

There are tonnes of products available in the market these days that beauty enthusiasts can use to slow down the aging process. Think crow's feet, fine lines, dark undereye circles, and dull skin. Ughh, every woman's nightmare! These are the signs of decline in a person's youth that are often caused by late nights, overexposure to UV light, and polluted environment. The skincare industry has grown tremendously, causing it to seem overwhelming for consumers like us to figure out when to start using anti-aging serums and creams.

All Skin Ages

We can't escape aging skin—it is part of nature. Our skin ages over time naturally, and of course, we should love our skin regardless of its flaws. With age, you might notice that skin loses elasticity and moisture; this is because of the decline of collagen and hyaluronic acid levels in our system. But here's the deal, we don't have to surrender to mature skin so early. Delaying the aging process may sound like mission impossible, but with the right anti-aging products, we might be able to slow down the aging rate.

"Yeah, sure. I'll make sure to start using anti-aging products once I see fine lines and wrinkles!"

According to dermatologists, "Too late." Dermatologists suggest that we begin using anti-aging products as early as in the late 20s and early 30s to maintain healthy, youthful-looking skin. However, there is no exact magic number in the age range; the best time to start using anti-aging products varies according to different lifestyles and skin types.

What Makes Skin Age faster?

The skin's aging rate may be accelerated by a combination of factors such as exposure to ultraviolet radiation, stress, smoking, and even ecological changes in our environment; where we experience an increase in oxidative pollutants in our air. All of these factors are notorious for damaging the cellular level—such as DNA, proteins, and lipids. Given prolonged exposure to the elements, the cellular damage will lead to external signs that cause the skin to appear and feel older. Some may experience altered facial contour, sagging skin, wrinkles, and possibly uneven complexion. Those with more exposure to such factors should start the anti-aging skincare routine earlier than others.

Aging and skin type

Everyone has different skin types ranging from oily to dry, to sensitive. Therefore, we must be cautious before embarking on a new anti-aging skincare routine. Always make sure to test products before adding them to your skincare routine. It is crucial to make sure that the product's ingredients would not cause adverse reactions to your skin, but only work to enhance your complexion and skin texture. Do some research or ask your dermatologist, and when you are confident about the contents of the product, go ahead with it!

Prevention is always better than cure, so starting early with anti-aging skincare products will retain your skin's complexion, especially when the skin begins to lose collagen.

Regular Moisturizer or Anti-Aging?

Back to the question, "Do I really need this? Would the regular moisturizer that I'm currently using suffice for now?"

Regular moisturizers certainly do their job well, but to slow down the aging process, our skin definitely needs more than just that. The different types of beauty products in the market cater to our skin's unique needs. When picking out the best anti-aging product to add to your personalized skincare routine, look for one that contains retinol, tretinoin, tazarotene, ceramides, peptides, L-ascorbic acid, and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate.

Of course, it is important to realize that it might take a couple of weeks before you notice a difference in your complexion. Be patient with your skin—it is worth it!

Resources— American Academy of Dermatology, WebMD

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